
Terms & Conditions

We always endeavour to provide the highest quality service that we can. This document gives details of our terms and conditions of service. If, however, you have any queries or need clarification, please contact us and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

Finance - Denta Clinic | London

Please be aware that any information provided through any part of our website is provided for interest purposes only and does not constitute personal professional advice. No professional advice can be given without a clinical consultation with a dentist. For professional dental advice we strongly recommend that you see a dentist for consultation.

Denta Clinic is a private dental practice and treatments are provided on a private basis only.

Treatment planning

Once your treatment plan has been agreed with the Dentist, we will provide printed details of your plan which we ask that you read through and sign that you have been clearly explained to regarding treatment options. If this plan changes due to radiographic or clinical findings, we will inform you and discuss this with you accordingly. Treatment plans are valid for 2 months from the date the treatment was prescribed. If there are any questions on your treatment plan, please do not hesitate to ask us, prior to commencing treatment.

Consent forms

Certain dental treatments require completion of a written consent form. This is in to ensure that we have explained the treatment, aftercare and any risk to you thoroughly, before any of these treatments are carried out. It also allows you to make an informed decision before agreeing to treatment.


Denta Clinic Practice does not offer credit and we require fees to be settled at the appointment where treatment is provided.

Where treatment incurs a laboratory fee, at least 50% of the total fee is due at the appointment where impressions are taken. Fees for certain treatments like Dental

Implants and orthodontic treatments are taken in staged payments at each visit or by monthly instalments. We will discuss and plan a schedule of payment for you.

Denta Clinic offer 0% Finance through Braemar Finance. The minimum fee is £600 and any fee can only be spread over a 12-month course. Please speak to the reception team for application information and the link for the application.

In cases where treatment is paid for on finance through a Finance company, the finance agreement must be accepted and signed prior to the start of that treatment. Please note that finance is only available on treatments over £600 and that a minimum deposit may also be required.

If you have financed any of the costs of your treatment through the finance company and wish to cancel your treatment after signing the agreement forms, please be aware that a cancelation fee of up to 15% of the total finance amount will be applicable.

Denta Clinic Practice does not accept any payments by cheque.

Denta Clinic Practice reserves the right to charge time-based deposits for booking future appointments. Deposits are deductible off the cost of treatment.

Denta Clinic Practice reserves the right to make a charge for any debt passed to a debt collection agency.

All the fees applied for any form of Dental treatment at the practice are based on the materials used, laboratory costs incurred (if applicable), and the clinical time spent.

The fees are, however, demonstrated as treatments prescribed on the treatment plan for your information.

Late cancellation or missed appointments

We require a minimum of 48 hours notice for cancellation of any arranged appointment. When we schedule an appointment for a patient, we are booking the surgery time off for that patient’s treatment. Failure to give the appropriate notice of cancellation will result in a Failed Appointment Fee being charged. Read Cancelation Practice Policy

Late for appointments

In order to be fair to the other patients, if you are more than 10 minutes, please be aware that you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.

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0208 553 5283

Personal Details

It is important that you provide a full medical history and details of any medications that you take. It is also a requirement that we have your correct contact details on file. Should these change it is very important for you to tell your dentist. Whilst we try to keep all information updated on each routine visit, It is the patient’s responsibility to inform the clinic of any changes in either personal details and/or their medical history. All records are kept in accordance with strict Data Protection guidelines.

Data Protection Act

All patient details are stored on a secure computer system in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All clinical notes, digital radiographs, digital photographs, etc. remain the property of Denta Clinic. Copies of notes, radiographs and photographs can be made available on written request. All staff undergo Data Protection training and understand the importance of information handling.

Use of Images and X-rays

Denta Clinic may use images and x-rays of your smile and teeth only (for marketing and educational purposes) for our website, promotional and educational literature. Your name will never be published and your identity will never be disclosed. We ensure we receive permission prior to using any images, however if you do not wish for us to use your images and x-rays in this way please inform us.


We like to use all tools available to provide you with a convenient reminder of impending appointments or routine check up appointment reminders, via email or SMS. If you would prefer that we did not contact you please ensure you inform reception during your next visit to opt out. We do not use your details for anything else and will not pass on your information to third parties.

Compliments, Concerns and Complains

We always welcome compliments. Our staff are trained to offer the kind of respect, care and treatment they would expect themselves. We treat our patients with respect, dignity and courtesy.

We receive many lovely testimonials from our satisfied patients who also recommend their family members, friends and colleagues to come to us for dental treatment.
Word of Mouth is our highest source of referred patients.

Kindly let us know what you like or/and dislike about any aspect of our services. We hope to continuously improve our services with such feedback.

If you have any complaint, please talk to a member of the team. We take all complaints seriously and have a complaints policy which you can obtain from the reception. We will listen and act on any such concern to improve the quality of our services.

Complaints can be made by emailing Ingrid Mankeviciene, the Practice Manager. Complaints should be clear, so that they can be dealt with efficiently.

Every complaint will receive immediate email acknowledgment, and the Management will strive to resolve the complaint within a quick, reasonable period of time (usually about 10 working days). For our full complaints procedure and policy, please ask a member of our reception team.

If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be acknowledged by the Management team and then referred to the treating Dentist.

If you are unsatisfied with our internal handling of your complaint, you are free to forward your complaint to the Dental Complaints Service (www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk). If still unsatisfied, you may wish to forward your complaint to the General Dental Council.

Get in touch to book your appointment

Book your appointment online in just a few clicks, day or night.
If you wish to discuss your needs with a member of our team, please do not hesitate to call us

We are open from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.
Weekend bookings are available by appointments only.

Alternatively, please complete our contact form for a quick response.